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Sircon is pleased to have partner relationships with leaders within the insurance industry and in the technology industry as a whole. We leverage these partnerships to enhance and expand the ways our solutions are able to benefit our customers' businesses. The goal of our partner programs is to deliver maximum benefits to our customers by working with the "best of the best" providers.
Based in New York, ACORD (Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development) is a global, nonprofit insurance association whose mission is to facilitate the development and use of standards for the insurance, reinsurance and related financial services industries. ACORD Standards and services improve efficiency and expand market reach. More than 1,000 insurance, reinsurance and financial services institutions and distributors are affiliated with ACORD, as are over 15,000 agencies, brokers, solution providers, user groups and other industry organizations.
ACORD websiteThe Securities & Insurance Licensing Association (SILA) was established in October of 1990. The purpose of the organization is to bring together licensing experts whose occupations encompass all aspects of licensing and registration, including, but not limited to, the licensing and registration of agents, agencies, adjusters, brokers, companies, producers, securities dealers, and third party administrators; and such auxiliary occupations as administration, regulation, testing, education, publishing and reporting as related to the financial services industry.
SILA websiteDepository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) is a leading processor of mutual funds and insurance transactions, linking funds and carriers with their distribution networks. DTCC has operating facilities in multiple locations in the United States and overseas. DTCC's Insurance Services, an offering of National Securities Clearing Corporation, a subsidiary of DTCC, provides an automatic, centralized system that electronically links insurance carriers with distributors for the exchange of information and money settlement during the sale and processing of fixed annuities, variable annuities and life insurance.
The Licensing & Appointments (L&A) service, which Sircon supports in its products, automates the two-way flow of information needed to manage producer information between insurance carriers and distributors. To handle the data flows underlying this business, DTCC operates the largest, electronically linked wholesale financial infrastructure in the world. This highly reliable and secure network links virtually all broker/dealers, banks, mutual funds, major life insurance companies and other financial intermediaries. Insurance Services is connected to more than 100 distributors and 50 insurance carriers, which represent more than 100 subsidiaries.
Incorporated in October 1996, the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) is a non-profit affiliate of the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC). NIPR developed and implemented the Producer Database (PDB) and the NIPR Gateway suite of on-line products for the insurance industry including Appointments and Terminations, Non-Resident Licensing, Non-Resident Licensing Renewals and other electronic reporting tools to support the Producer Licensing process. The PDB is an electronic database consisting of licensing and regulatory information relating to insurance agents and brokers (producers) and companies, which contains information from participating state regulatory licensing systems and brings it into a common repository of producer information.
Sircon was one of the initial NIPR Resellers in 1998 and plays a unique role in the insurance regulatory marketplace, offering NIPR services to both industry and regulators. In 2010, Sircon and NIPR established a long-term agreement to expand the number of licensing transaction types available through NIPR. With a large and growing integrated transaction volume, Sircon has enjoyed a long and successful partnership with NIPR that has grown to cover all state regulatory entities.